Friday, February 28, 2003

So I decided it would beneficial thing to attend the annual NIU job fair. In reality this should have been called the NIU Sheep fest, because that was what it was. They were looking for 21-23 year olds that were still wet behind the ears and still suckling on their parent's financial nipple. Enter me, The nipples I suck are not for a finanical purpose, more for shear pleasure and hardly willing to dance like a organ grinder's monkey. Of course their is not cynical bone in body so I took the undertaking of showing up to this job with my finest duds nursing a severe case of bronchitis and the fifty five minutes of sleep, I got in trying to prepare a somewhat suitbable resume. So I was not amused when these souless corporate leechs looked down their somewhat disshevled polo shirts, an echo could be heard across the white elephant, I mean convocation center the NIU just had to build, because afterall, WE need Monster truck rallies to come to town.. I always saw myself as more of a farm implement guy, It was nice that I didnt have to drink to lower bum fuck egypt to look at the latest in cattleprods but I often ponder to myself whether or not this convience was worth the increase in tution?!

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