Saturday, October 21, 2006

Like the new name? I do. It seem to fit better with my mental real estate. Former friends don't like this attitude. Despite all the trash talk and the nasty things that are said about me, I know this come from a place of fear, because as you round the corner to 30 your going to realize your life is EMPTY.

It has been a long established track record of mine to be the eeeevil nemesis in peoples life, Its my fault you did or dint do something because I forced your hand in life. This song and dance is tiresome. Own your actions. Because when you die, that is what they will truly judge you by.

Fuck you. Thats all about your worth. The me-so sweet and me-so innnocent trip was tired about fifteen minutes after you left it go. Meanwhile, your the biggest closet deviant that I know. News flash you fucktard.. I didnt have to say anything about you and you discredited yourself. Keep going your either end up with one italian loud mouth or the other. You managed to fuck both of them several times. and they were both stupid enough to buy you line of bullshito. I am here to let you know, that everyone knows how much of a fake, self invovled, conceited prick you are. thats right, You-so or should say me-so... The only reason you want to talk to me is because you have nobody else, Find someone else to treat with a total lack of disrespect. And just to clarify, you can date anyone you want, just be honest, and stop FUCKING PEOPLE who have Signifigant others. When you going to get it? Your going to have to move Iowa or Beruit, or Lower Butt Fuck egypt. Stories of your plague will spread, and the cool thing, I never have to breathe a word about them.

You have the odacity to call me childish, you will only stay friends with someone as long as they dont hold you responsible for you actions.

Quit spread rumors about me being gay... that so old and tired.. and look at yourself in the mirror. Oh thats right, mommie would cut you off if she knew you prefer penis to fish tacko.
Its 11a on Saturday Morning, and I actually have a spot to blog freely without someone reading over my shoulder.

Where to begin?

Too much to discuss at once so I will just have to rely on stream of conscientiousness.

The depression is a constant battle, but I am managing to keep my focus. I am surprised to find out how many people still read this blog, and how many people I dont talk to anymore.

What I am trying to figure out is, I am really such a horrible person, why do you keep checking this blog? I mean really. Get a fucking life.

I re-read these posts, and I am desparately trying to figure out what the indentity for this place should be. Unlike the cowardice of others that discontinue their blogs because the dont want others to know what a hypocratic life that have become.

Tell me, you still chasing success like golden fleece at the end of the world?

Your not worth writing about anymore. I am sure our paths will cross.. Sooner than later. Its only a matter of time.
Welcome to redesigned Blog.

I just spent the last 2 hours tweaking my nips.. err I mean.. This template... something different. no more soothing.. its time to shake things up a bit.