Sunday, September 28, 2003

So Saturday was spent cleaning. My current domicile. It no longer looks we live out of boxes or didn't unpack everything. Here the a wired realization of life, I thought I have a lot of junk, but when its all said and done its not that much at all. I should take lessons from others who have boiled their lifecontent to a single storage container, while I have 55 gallon garbages that are busting at the seams with stuff from a decade ago, that had to be removed as part of an "pay my insurance please Patsy scam" I wish my life content could be that concise, you either a packrat or not... and I fear that I am... This doent bode well for me, I flash forward to being 85 years old living in house with newspapers stacked to the ceilings in everyroom of the house, Aaaahh.... Wait I should be honest here it will probably be PORNO that's stacked the ceiling and just an intricate labyrinth style maze throughout the house, I will probably die, and make the evening paper with a shot of me laying dead with just a sheet, and the HEADLINE AREA MAN DIES+++ ADMIST A PILE OF SMUT>>>> Hey, if you gotta go, I always say go with style.

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