Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Okay here in its entirerity the dialogue between Blah Blah and myself... because I choose not to reward negative behavior again....

I wrote this after being given an ultimatetum in regards to repairing Blah Blahs computer. After She resheduled with me... because it was more important to go out and chase after a "player" because she had been single longer than 2 months... and her current interest wasnt moving forward fast enough... I would change the names to protect the innocent but no body is innocent here. As an interesting footnote, when I approached blah blah and mention that I thought she was starting to spiral she decide the best course of action was to contact the Builder to try and stir shit up. Of course she didnt think it would get back to me and she continued to deny, deny, deny deny, all of it. She much like my cousin thinks the world around them is as stupid as they assume. Wrong answer... So I call her on her actions and warn her, something I would never do in the past, and OF course, we deny deny deny deny... and I am played a fool. The caldron started to boil. Blah Blah had learned NOTHING about the past and hadnt changed... she just was able to convince herself. which this is all discussed below in great detail... this foreword needed to be written because It helps glue the story together.

Heres the shot that start WW3

I really dont think I deserve to be treated like your treating me. You are treating me like YOU are doing ME a favor by letting me fix your computer, When in reality it is quite the opposite. I do not like the way this makes me feel. and I really dont appreciate you emotion to manipulate me. I have bent over backwards to fix your computer on several occasions, and even when I change plans for you, its still good enough, I think you have gotten so comfortable with these actions, that is no longer appreciated its EXPECTED, I am equally at fault here because I continually reward negative behavior. To add insult to injury after I do change my plans and move my shedule around to accomedate you, I am treated with contempt being treated again as if that you are doing me a favor and not the opposite, to further rub salt in the wound, I get issused an ultimatum that if I dont fix it your going to call someone else. Which I am still not sure why this is threatening. I think its an attempt play on some insecurity, I am not sure. If doug can do a better job, then maybe he should. or he can get it done faster than I can Great, let him at it. To make one point perfectly crystal Any work on your computer I have done has because I wanted to, not because I had to to, but I did so willingly to help out a friend, and it appears that my help not only is not Good enough, but unappreciated as well.

You say that you have changed, and I want to believe that but when say one thing and act like this what I am supposed to believe.

She vollied this back less than 30 mins. later....


As far as me changing, I don't care whether you believe it or not. These
are my choices. Yes, I have discussed everything with Sue and Denise, just
as I am sure you discussed everything with Michele and please this is not
the time to lie, because as I said a few weeks ago there are two people in
my life that I trust completely and that is Sue and Denise. I do not feel
victimized however, what a shock...you do. As far as Bob and I are
concerned, when I asked him a few months ago if it was true that he
insinuated something happened between us he said "absolutely not" and I
believe him. Unlike you he has never lied to me or at least not that I can
prove. Actually I am very happy with the way my life is I am surrounding
myself with people I love and who love me. As far as will other guys cheat
on me, maybe maybe not but that will not keep me from dating and having a
life. You need to take your own advise about glass houses. You said how
crappy it was that Jim doesn't return phone calls, well neither do you.
Apparently you had received the voice mail on Sunday and wait I get to hear
your complaints on Tuesday. You never let anything go. You harbor all of
life's crap and keep dumping it on me. As with Ryan I told you STAY OUT OF
IT. I don't want you involved if anything that will make matters worse. I
am a big girl and can handle situations on my own. Also, you should know by
now that there is no me and Ryan thing. Once again we are FRIENDS. I don't
understand what is so hard to get about that. As far as you being a good
friend, if I don't contact you, you don't call me. When was the last
Wednesday night that we hung out. I notice that you don't want to meet with
me and Michele on Wednesday, just Michele. I really don't care because she
can definitely give you more support in certain areas then I can but, as we
were hanging out and then you just stopped, well that is pretty suspicious
as it all started happening around the time you didn't need me to drive,
that bothers me. You twist everything and I am tired of taking the brunt.
I have a lot of crap going on in my life that doesn't have to do with you,
Michele, Ryan or anything actually in the below e-mail. Sue and Denise know
what is happening just in case something happens but, I still have to deal
with it. So for you to be on your high horse right now well, it is not
really good for me. I have got more major issues then who has bruised
feelings because once again you need to read into things. I know you are
going to say well, why didn't you tell me stuff was going on??? Truth is
you haven't been around for me to tell. The reason I didn't have you over
Thursday is because, as with every Thursday the vote was to go out and have
fun and I am not leaving anyone in my apartment when I don't know when I
will be home because you would not be able to leave until I got back as you
would have the only key to get in. Which was a good thing because we didn't
get in until after 2am. As far as having an adult relationship I would have
loved to have had one but, you are not capable which you have made very
evident by not viewing me as an adult. I can not and will not deal with
this situation right now as there are more pressing matters at hand. I am
sorry if you find that insulting but, there are more important things then
playing the blame game and the you hurt my feelings so instead of talking to
you I will send you a belittling e-mail.

I really enjoy her choice in language.... pressing matters at hand... I love when unintellengent people try and post up with phrases they have heard adult use... and misuse them.... This is very much like Stiffler in American Wedding... I willing admit that it is my responsiblity, and I should have returned her phone call, However, I thought I should calm down and not write something that was soley emotionally based. So I delayed. As for using her... This amazes me. She did provide relief while I was automobileless in IL, However what she fails to recognize is that The day after we got back I started work full time and my time was consumed. I should mention that the reference to blowing her off comes after she was excluded to a weekly occurring dart game because she tried to take it over and pushed the people that I originally started the outing with out.... Thats right, I was drinking with Dave, and Steve on Wednesday at St. Charlies and Michele joined one week. They liked her, the next week she managed to put everyone on edge and make the event unfun... Not to mention the fact that she called up Michele and invited her to Go play darts with "Me and Scot" Ironic isnt it? So we started to exclude her because outings were unfun... and if you not having fun whats the point of having an outing? A trip to PA occured. I was expect to wait on someone hand and foot. and when I wasnt moving fast enough blah blah someone I was delaying our departure... I had good right to, I was lamented for a home I didnt want to leave, and since the entire drive was up to me.. I figured why not be overtired. Since... which here is the kicker Blah, Blah would not drive stick because she was "uncomfortable" driving it on the highway... To add to this, to ensure I could use the I am overtired bit she threw in sleeping with a headache the entire ride home... or just about.... Yes, I made her help clean the house. I dont leave 124 without it being spotless. I am guest there...
she wouldnt get that... I cant help but think this princess attitude was fosted by her parents, probably overcompensating for adopting her. The result of their folly is raising 2 daughters who are completely unprepared for the world and who are scared of their own shadows. This results in unhappy children and even more unhappy adults... Whom the only way to win a loosing arguement is to pull out the famed "HEALTH CARD" thats what she is alluding to here. its been a crutch for the past ten years whenever she is having a bad day.... I know cancer patients who have a better life outlook than she does. She thinks she is going to barren because of some deasease, This is where kharma rears its ugly head... All nastyness she has propegated against mankind because she didnt get what she wanted when she wanted. that is what is going to make her barren. Spoiled Brat is all I can say... I know those who throw stones in glass houses shouldnt. We also need to address her need to be the professional victim. Notice how she like to project victimization onto me.... hmmmm...

Theres more to be added here, like my response that will come later....

Interesting postscript to this conversation, though, blah blah had to resort to getting the person she wanted nothing more to do with to fix her computer. Bigger fish to fry read the next post..

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