Sunday, September 19, 2004

A friend wrote a poem about her life, It was very powerful the parallelism that exists between us. The words that shattered through the monatony of my day and broke my back like the load I have been baring since the begining of time or at least thats what it felt like. This poem was mighty powerful. The personal value that I had assigned this poem can not even begin t be shown with words. The imagery alone torn my flesch like a weathered rusty dagger in a rainstorm. Tearing into me and leaving with a burning feeling where I know even when I heal that I will never quite be the same. Its wierd, and I almost feel strange sometiimes with the level of similarity between us. I can start a thought and it get completed or the same path has been traveled leading to answer. I was recently likened to be being here student, I think it a mutual thing. Neither one of us could really admit it though, that was would be out of character. I decided from the first exchange of deep and personal thought I decided I would not pretend that I would not put her on a pedestal and make an offering to her. Because I too have been placed there and it is cold and lonely place. Instead I decided early on, that I wanted to exchange support, maybe this act is self serving on some level, because I am only accepting after giving making it okay to support. Wow that was a convaluded thought isnt it?
I miss Tremont. Much like Patton I will return. At least I will be free.

Time is the great equalizer.
My clock has stopped
I cannot breathe.
I dream of you
You forgot about me.
My rope is frayed
The knot has come undo.
My hands are bloody
Bruised and Burned from the Sisal
I let the rope go.
I let Time stop.
I let myself go.
Will this pain, torment, torture
Ever stop?

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