Monday, January 24, 2005

I received a annon. Comment on one of my old posts. Asking about time. What would like to know? I believe time is not a linear concept. The best way to describe time is something that is more like a ethereal haze that encompasses our reality. Couple this somewhat different version of time and I think It allows a rational explanation why people that have passed can communicate back to the "other side" Because when you pass I think its a acceptable concept to believe that the kintergarten concept of time that as mortals we cling to is chucked for the true notion. Imagine the ability to goto any momement in time, without incumberance. Goto the moment of your birth, and see it, goto your first kiss, your first day of school etc.

I dont know if I would say I was intellegent, most people may disagree with that notion. while others would agree. I like to look at reality skewed. This spin on reality is what has gotten me in trouble as of late.

Those of you who watch TV. and Know me. I pose a question.. Medium. Art immitating life or Life immitating art?

So my annon. Commentor, Leave me your indentity, that is unless I already know you and your trying to bate me into a discussion. I can have dinner with bannana hands if I want. So go spend 600 dollars for his self help cds. I can meet him first hand. Arent you satisfied with the results of your plunder. I need to thank you. You gave me the freedom of not having to support someone in my greatest time and need, The albatross is truly yours now, and I dont need or want it back. Invest in a home waxing kit, maybe that will get you past the treasure trail. YIKES.

If my annon. Commentor is truly a contemporary of Ultra concentrated KMl , I aplogize whole heartedly, your comment was in a vane, much like a a former acquaintence, that lacks morales, and generally fancies himself an extremely intellegent person, I would never impune his intellgence, It could be considered more Rainman like.

So my annon. Commentor Open up the curtain and reveal you indentity.

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