Saturday, March 26, 2005

Well the big 3 0h has come and went. Pretty anti climatic... I realized something today as I was driving around running errands for my uncle. I have successfully alienated myself to the rest of the world I find more comfort staying home on a saturday and licking my proverbial wounds. I have come to a couple of discoveries of late. I am yet again paring off my "friends" because they add no value, oh shit who I am kidding, its more like they a paring me away from being value added, read that last line it seems as if I wrote a training manual of this.

Does everyone have a favorite childhood hot dog stand they go to when they want to relive the past? I cant help but get hungry and go up the block and get a "Tommy's Special" 2 hotdogs frys and a large drink for 4 bucks... I am getting old because I remember when it was 1.50 YIKES
and the fries were not frozen but real potatoes.

Another random musing is that the moon look rather full. Its kinda funny.... Much work to do tonight or should I say much work to undo? you be the judge? Does anybody read this? I am curious...

I did get a pardon from causing someone to ballon up I found out... long since I was gone... maxium density has been achieveed.

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