Sunday, April 10, 2005

I dont know how this came about but I was going to title this post END TIMES. Something has been weighing on my mind as of late. I posed this question to a couple of friends and they just looked at me as if I was going off in one of my crazy fits of rage. The end times are here albeit not exactly as we thought they would be, I mean there has been no dramatic fire and Brimstone per se but there has been some happenstance that would like me to believe the supreme one (Higher Diety not the pizza) is about ready to call our number.

I was searching ebay last night very late and I came across a truly disturbing post. People actually sell used Enenma/Douche bags for anal/vagina/rectal irrigation. EEEEWWWAAAA... thats just nasty, and this coming from someone who was given a copy of Granny Gang Bang 72 Yikes.

This post started to be funny when I was thinking about it but its a couple of days old, and I am not quite in the mood to be funny.
I am not sure what in am in the mood for. Things have taken a turn for the interesting when it comes to things. Patsy refuses to let go of the people in my life that I just dont want to have part of it anymore, and it makes it really hard. I finally found the chink in the armour of a close friendship. Never call this person ont their actions even though they might be obvious beause the will lash out at you and say some pretty hurtfully brutal things. As with all things I just asmilate into what matters and move on....
So this weekend I present a challenge to myself. My goal is not to randomly sleep 15 or more hours in a single stretch. I leaving town for the weekend. well not really the weekend more like 24 hours... It should be nice... The land of Orange and Blue. Woo Who... I should come back recharged and seeing the world in a new light. I like a good emotional kick to the head sometimes.

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