Sunday, May 01, 2005

Okay I know imitation is supposed to be the best form of flattery, but This is ridicoulous. I just read something that literally makes me want to vomit. My former posts about Hair changed around because someone broke up with ther "wife" I am impresed it only took 2.5 years to figure out what bad path she was headed down. I read this persons pontification and I was like, holy shit if I sound like this put a fork in me I am done. I was supposed to find this blog, it was time. He is trying to rebuild a superhigway that he tore down. Its not that easy, and I would like to think I that I had some cause in his demise, but for once the universe has taken care of this imbalance.

I was the demon, and now that I no longer "influence" his life, and things are still fuct up He had to turn on his wife, what a sad, pathetic thing, I am not feeling any sypathy, because he must be responsible for his own actions, he threw away his family, and his source of income, because he was trying to make a stand in a very Dohman sort of way. In his mind he is the Alpha he is the Omega, in reality he is nothing more than a moon of Alpha, Omega, Cold, Dead and empty, and sucking energy off of those around him.

I know he thinks I took his cash cow away, that his family that used to shower him in present now shower me, Well he has it only half right, they shower me, but its not in presents, its in love and support, but its good, because its reciprocal. I am nor sure if he reads this and if does great, because unlike others, Poopfish, who needtd to take their indentity down for fear that the medicrity would be known by all I share it all, the good the bad, and the shitty.

By the way... Rumble Bee..... find your own godamn style. I didnt copy anybody, I am me. you fucktard. I am not angry at you, I dont feel sad for you i dont feel anything for you. I was willing to share Tremont, and you werent. I do nothing but live my life and take responsiblity for my actions. Grow up, or do you wanna be empty inside for the rest of your life, Follow the path of your father, mediocrity is the easier goal to acheive because, when you fail... theres always someone or someething else to blame it on.

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