Saturday, October 21, 2006

Its 11a on Saturday Morning, and I actually have a spot to blog freely without someone reading over my shoulder.

Where to begin?

Too much to discuss at once so I will just have to rely on stream of conscientiousness.

The depression is a constant battle, but I am managing to keep my focus. I am surprised to find out how many people still read this blog, and how many people I dont talk to anymore.

What I am trying to figure out is, I am really such a horrible person, why do you keep checking this blog? I mean really. Get a fucking life.

I re-read these posts, and I am desparately trying to figure out what the indentity for this place should be. Unlike the cowardice of others that discontinue their blogs because the dont want others to know what a hypocratic life that have become.

Tell me, you still chasing success like golden fleece at the end of the world?

Your not worth writing about anymore. I am sure our paths will cross.. Sooner than later. Its only a matter of time.

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