Thursday, April 29, 2004

Wooo Who......

It less than two months since I made my last post.

Well here it goes.

Where to begin.. Well lets start with some typical cliches... You can NEVER go home. Its even harder when you get there and realize in less than heart beat why you left. I found myself back in Chicago to clear up a bit of business so I left my mountain home to come visit the corn belt. Lies of the past have uncovered themselves in such a way that the mere thought of them is more like a strong expresso at 3am the jagged little pill know as vicadin.

It took just a little less than two years for my family to spin off into non-existence. It just under five months I have been several topics of conversation, in how much I need to stay out of town. A very violent and libelous buddy profile was made available to me this evening and it completely changed the direction of this post. I want to mention to the White trash emulator (How many couches on yer frunt porch does it take to be considered a red neck?)in question that while I am making a conscience decision to live in Tremont, I could live anywhere in the World, I don't think he could say the same. He will be forever stuck in Tremont to carry on the family tradition of medicorcity. Can we say imbalance? Your absoultly correct in everything you said little boy. EVERYTHING is correct. I wish could be as smart as you. I hate to burst your bubble but the all the buttons you've attempted to push dont work anymore. I am much better person, and as you so Astute in pointing out my stature, Because thats nothing that I havent before. Weight can be lost, Attitudes can be modified, sucess can be achieved, when its done from within, the last year has taught me that. I wouldnt expect you to understand that, you too busy trying project the All the guilt you feel on the people that were there for you when the needed them... because whether your house rises or falls it doesnt affect my life in ONE bit.... Just consider this, the next time you want to pick on someone that is dying.... remember these days because when your on your death bed kharma willl revist you ten fold.

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