Monday, June 07, 2004

When something is too good to be true then it probably is. The valleys that were once filled with my tears are lush and green and plentiful. I wish you the best on your chosen path. as being an expert in being self-agrandizing when you need to use fifty dollar words words when a fifty cent word fits... show how little you grasp the message. Words are the crutches for disceprentant emotions...SEE SEE I just proved my point... nobody would use the word Discrepant in normal common language. Common language yes... because we all know when your head swells and the excess brain pressure is NOT relieved brain damage can occur. well multisyllabic words spoken here are needed to explain the story I believe. I could take a mental short cut and sum it up like this: If you have a swollen head, feel that your shit dont stink,(lean a little closer because roses really smell like booo oooo oooo) THANX ORACLE. and are trying desparately to fit your life into script, Its not going to get much better than it is now.
If your given everything life, and have no concept of what it is not do something to please the provider of your life do you have the right to judge someone who pays their way and is sucessful on their own? A fan club is only good if you can keep up the rouse.... are you up to the challenge?

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