Saturday, June 19, 2004

As I was pushed through a plate glass window this morning at three am. Or at least thats what it felt like when I heard my cell phone ring in my dream and all the quiet was broken, My thoughts were no longer my own, I felt the cold harsh reality of night touch my expose foot from under my covers and I realized that my phone had rung, Panicked, no knowing which bed I awoke from, I jump out of bed and flew across the room and realized that I was stuck in Glendale Heights, somehow miraclously I would have thought that Tremont or even DeKalb would have been. I think that symbolically DeKalb represents the past, and Tremont represents the future. Glendale Heights maybe limbo, maybe something else, I am not really sure, I did know however I didnt want to be woken up to be informed that McDonalds didnt not serve a full menu at 3am. I guess that gets filed in the useless fact section of my brain. Whaddaya thunk? I also finally was able to purchase one of my favorite movies, Grosse Pointe Blank. and To quote the great Minnie Driver, Where are all the good men the Heart or in the Head?.....
I sit here watching bad PBS, and pondering this question further: Will I ever reach enough escape velocity from here to get away from all of this? I like the analogy of the plate glass window. I was informed this week that I was on trial with God for my indisgessions, to this I say, "SMITE me almighty SMITER!" who cares if its spelled right or not?
Its been such a long time that someone has wanted to fix me. Fix me for all the wrong reasons: THIS JUST IN:::::: psycho beach party has started.... and me without my sunscreen.... more on that later.

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